
Our Process -Learning Management Systems


By deep-diving your main objectives and learning aspirations, we determine the specific LMS features and functionalities to power your goals:

  • Multimedia materials: video, animation, presentation,... 
  • Interactive learning methods: Simulation, gamification, ... 
  • Grading, monitoring, and evaluating, ... 


Our LMS is all about flexibility and customisation. Tailor it to your scale or expand effortlessly. Plus, its adaptive framework seamlessly integrates with third-party tools and external systems:

  • Microsoft Team
  • Outlook
  • Content Library

Key product Features

Course Management

Creating, organising, and structuring courses, from managing users' profiles, and enrolment, to setting up assessments and feedback 


Content Creation

Uploading, organising, and delivering learning materials, including videos, presentations, and simulations to engage learners


Communication & Collabortion

Using discussion forums, messages, and video conferencing to facilitate the interaction between instructors and learners


Asessment & Feedback

Creating and administering assessments, quizzes, or online exams, and providing grading and feedback


Tracking & Report

Monitoring learners’ progress, tracking completion rates, and generating reports on individual or group performance 


Customisation & Extensibility

Integrating with other systems or tools, such as learning content repositories, video conferences, or analytic tools 


Key Benefits

Import Courses with Ease

Our LMS allows you to seamlessly import your existing training courses into the system. This feature saves time and effort, ensuring that you can quickly transition from traditional training methods to a more streamlined digital approach. 

Enhance Employee Productivity

Employees can access training materials at their convenience, allowing them to balance their learning with their daily tasks. This flexibility fosters a positive learning experience and boosts overall productivity. 

Reduce Overhead Costs

Reducing the need for in-person training sessions and printed materials, you not only cut down on expenses related to venue rental, travel, and physical resources, but you also save valuable time that can be redirected towards more strategic initiatives. 

Feature List


Cost-Effective Hosting Package

  • Cloud-based hosting
  • LMS installation & implementation
  • Course authoring
  • Online training
  • Periodic maintenance
  • Branding & theme adaptation


Extended eLearning Functionality

  • Cloud-based hosting
  • LMS installation & implementation
  • Course authoring
  • Online team training
  • Periodic support & maintenance
  • Branding & theme adaptation
  • Customisable learning paths
  • Learning Reporting & Analytics
  • APIs & Integration


All-inclusive eLearning Solutions

  • Cloud-based hosting
  • LMS installation & implementation
  • Course authoring
  • Online team training
  • Periodic support & maintenance
  • Branding & theme adaptation
  • Customisable learning paths
  • Learning Reporting & Analytics
  • APIs & Integrations
  • eLearning strategy development 
  • Real-time collaboration features 
  • Premium support package